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- Short: Patches SCSI_IDE43_23 datecheck
- Author: exkalibur
- Uploader: jstites@tc3net.com
- Type: util/sys
- This program is freeware. This program is a hack. I will not be responsible
- for any damages arising from the use of this program. Use this program at
- your own risk.
- Introduction:
- I was quite excited to finally see an updated version of the SCSI/IDE drivers
- on the Amiga International, Inc. website. Finally, an IDE driver capable of
- utilizing IDE/ATAPI cd-rom drives! And it was FREE! Unfortunately, the
- upgraded drivers also caused some problems with my system. But,
- unfortunately, it was not without it's problems. First and most importantly,
- it threw my clock WAY out of whack (which I had a real problem tracking down,
- with a slew of add-ons and hacks in my wbstartup drawer and startup-sequence).
- Secondly, on April 4th, it decided to throw a recoverable alert at me
- notifying me that it was a beta version and that it had expired. Fine, but
- the alert also crashed my system at that point and it took several resets to
- bring my machine to it's senses. So, that night I set about writing this
- patch. It worked by jumping to the exit routine no matter what the date is,
- thereby bypassing the alert code completely.
- Requirements:
- OS 2.x+ (V37.xx)
- hard disk
- SCSI_IDE43_23.lha (available from www.amiga.de)
- Usage:
- patchstrip <Axxx.LD.STRIP> <newfilename>
- where <Axxx.LD.STRIP> is the AmigaDOS path/filename of the module to patch.
- You must be using the V43.23 modules, as I have no idea what this will do
- to other versions of the modules. The Amiga International, Inc. archive uses
- A300.LD.STRIP,A600...,A1000...,A4000T... and SCSIDISK.LD.STRIP as the
- filenames that they de-archive to. If you have renamed them like I have, be
- sure to give the proper path and filename here. As far as I can tell, this
- patch should work fine on any of these modules, although this patch has only
- been tested so far on my machine only.
- <newfilename> is the destination path/filename for the patched version of the
- module. This patch does not overwrite the original module, so this leaves
- you with a backup if the patch for some reason fails.
- This program has been tested on my equipment and works fine. My configuration
- is an A4000/040T with 18 MB RAM, 2.1GB Quantum Fireball SCSI HD, NEC 24 speed
- I would also like to thank David Benn for his excellant ACE compiler, with
- which this program was made in a whopping fifteen minutes.
- ============================= Archive contents =============================
- Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
- -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
- 41924 16931 59.6% 14-Mar-80 17:42:20 patchstrip
- 2349 1234 47.4% 01-Jan-80 00:15:18 patchstrip.doc
- -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
- 44273 18165 58.9% 28-Apr-98 18:17:08 2 files